Friends of The Paragon Inc., is an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act (NSW). Its members share an interest in, if not passion for, The Paragon and the rich cultural heritage of that institution as an integral part of the Blue Mountains, Sydney and the State of New South Wales. It advocates for the sensitive preservation of the fabric of The Paragon restaurant and both the tangible and intangible elements that contribute to the reputation and memories that are shared by so many members of the local community and the very many visitors who have enjoyed The Paragon hospitality over its more than a century of catering to its guests. Members receive quarterly newsletters on things Paragon as well as related items of historical and culinary interest. Special events and member-only events are held throughout the year, and members will have opportunities to enjoy exclusive member functions at The Paragon. Even if you are not a Blue Mountains local or even not a resident of Sydney, please consider joining the Friends, as membership numbers count in our ongoing efforts of advocacy on behalf of the legacy of the Simos family and the wonderful restaurant they created. If you appreciate Art Deco or have fond memories of past visits to The Paragon, or you have an appreciation of the cultural history of these disappearing grand restaurants, you are encouraged to lend your support by becoming a member.
To apply for Membership, please send the following information by email or post to the Secretary: via email at: [email protected] or by post to P.O. Box 435 Katoomba 2780
Membership for Friends of The Paragon is $20.00 per year due on July 1 each year. New Member Applications should include payment of the Application Fee of $20, which will include membership fee to the following July 1.. .............................................................................................................................. Please use the following subject line: "APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP" Include your first and last names, email address, postal or street address, telephjone number (optional)
The Secretary will respond to confirm membership and respond to any questions.
Please remit Application and Membership Fees to our bank account and include your surname as Reference.
Account Name: Friends of The Paragon Inc BSB No: 633-000 Account No: 156305658